The Free Hugs Project

Motivational speaker and peace activist, Ken E. Nwadike Jr. was in attendance on Tuesday, January 16th at The Vincennes University Jasper Campus. Mr. Nwadike is from San Diego where he and his three brothers, one sister, and his mother lived in shelter home. As a young man it was embodied into Ken to give back to his community to help be there for kids and push them to do good in life. 

In 2014 Ken attended "The Boston Marathon" where he had a shirt and sign that had "Free Hugs" on it to try and spread love in it as over 50,000 people came to run in the marathon just one year after the tragic bombings. The outpour Ken received by the runners was nothing short of unbelievable and began getting hugs left and right from hundreds of runners. This inspired Ken to create the "Free Hugs" project. Where he travels all over the world and tries to bring a calmness into fiery situations and chaos around the world. 

Mr. Nwadike Jr said "it's not about coming and hugging it out, but mostly about how can we change the hearts of others and bring more love into the world". He now travels all over the world as he goes to schools and other functions to spread his message and bring us closer together as humans and bring some more love into a world that needs it. 

Ken is trying to get that message instilled into the younger kids because "you already have the odds against you so why add fuel to the fire" Nwadike said. 

Giving an amazing speech to those in attendance Ken Nwadike Jr had one last very simple message that can go a long way in today's society "Love will scar the world".