Take a deep dive into food preservation with Purdue Extension

Petersburg- Home canners are encouraged to join Purdue Extension for the Mastering Home Food Preservation training this fall at the Petersburg Community Church in Petersburg, IN.

Instructors will teach USDA home food preservation recommended procedures and provide valuable resources and take-home products for participants. 

Topics covered throughout the training include food safety, freezing food, boiling water canning, pressure canning, pickling and drying foods, and jams and jellies. The training will be held daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST) beginning Tuesday, October 31 through Friday, November 3 at the Petersburg Community Church. 

 Jane Lorenz, past Purdue Extension Mastering Home Food Preservation participant, shares how the course confirmed the science behind canning and broke misconceptions she had from outdated knowledge and resources.

“Even though I was an experienced canner before taking the course, it was a fabulous experience that helped me finetune my skills. My knowledge needed to be updated with the current standards and I now know how to find safe recipes,” Lorenz said. 

The course fee is $275 and includes the 4-day training, finished products to take home, and a Mastering Home Food Preservation notebook. Register online < https://cvent.me/K5Qx1l > by October 15. Contact Abbi Smith at [email protected] for more information.