Northeast Dubois Senior Selected for Prestigious “Rising 30” Class of 2024
Tuesday night’s Northeast Dubois County School Corporation meeting was filled with exciting
updates on student activities, accolades, and upcoming events.
Northeast Dubois Elementary school has designated the month of February as Heart Month, so
Jeeps Have Heart is raising money for the American Heart Association. A school-wide walk and
fun with some new, healthy foods helped to raise awareness about heart health. Some classes
were also invited by the FFA on Tuesday at the high school to enjoy a petting zoo.
There are also some great things to look forward to! Most of the excavation has been done for
the new playground, and the drainage has been improved. New equipment should arrive next
week and installation is expected to begin by March 4, if not sooner. Be sure to save the date
for Thursday, March 21, 4:30-7:30! The first Spring Carnival will be held at the elementary.
Families will come have dinner at the school, followed complimentary games to play in the
classrooms. Raffle tickets will also be available for purchase in the next couple of weeks to raise
money for student activities.
The board acknowledged Northeast Dubois Jr /Sr. High School senior Brooklyn Kiefer, who was
selected for the Rising 30 Class of 2024, sponsored by Conexus Indiana. This award recognizes
advanced manufacturing and logistics emerging leaders, and is not limited to students. It
honors 30 professionals under 30 statewide that Conexus describes as “distinguishing
themselves as industry leaders of the future.”
Northeast Dubois Jr /Sr. High School teacher Amanda Johnson and her marketing students gave
a presentation about their experience with the Reach and Teach program, which focuses on
project-based learning with an entertainment and business-themed focus. The students
selected a campus tour project and created a broadcast that can be viewed on the school’s
Facebook page and also supported it with social media marketing. In addition to learning new
technical skills including story boarding, film editing, and design, they learned marketing and
communication techniques among other professional skills.
Some important upcoming dates to be aware of include no school for students on March 22,
Spring Break from March 25-29, and a Snow makeup day or no school on April 1. A decision has
been made to implement an e-learning day on April 8, the day of the solar eclipse. There will be
no in person school, as the area is in the line of complete totality and heavy traffic is expected.
For more information on these and other updates, visit www.nedubois.k12.in.us
- By Drew Hasselbring