Jasper Utility Services Prepare for Major Projects with Part-Time Staffing Increases

At Monday night’s meeting of the Jasper Utility Service Board, the focus was on major project development. A common theme among many of the departments was the need for additional staffing. Multiple departments received the board’s approval to hire seasonal part-time employees to prepare for the many upcoming utilities projects. 

The Electric Department Report provided bid opening results for the purchase of a new circuit breaker and backup refurbished unit. The board tabled the final decision as the contract did not include transportation as previously agreed and could result in around $80,000 increase in charges. The department also received authorization to dispose of and scrap the old scissor lift, as it is no longer functional. 

In his report, Gas and Water Department Manager Tim Doersam discussed the need to identify water lines that need to be replaced. The department will mail surveys to neighborhoods most heavily impacted, and will also post the survey on the city website. The department may post a video on the department website about how to identify if lines are copper, lead, or galvanized. Galvanized or lead lines would need to be replaced, and the department hopes to contribute to customer education and awareness about the issue. 

An update was given on bids received for the backup water supply project, which were all under budget. Patoka has opted to install the meter pit themselves to their own specifications, resulting in a significant savings. The City Attorney determined that the low bid did not meet the requirements to be accepted. The board rejected the lowest bid and tentatively approved the secondary low bid, from Infrastructure Systems, at just over 1.7 million dollars, contingent on Patoka’s approval as well as EDA review and approval. 

General Manager Bud Hauersperger discussed a major change in the city’s current distributor for AMI systems. E.J. Prescott will no longer participate as a rep for Sensus meters. The new distributor is undecided at present, and all current orders to Prescott are being held up in the meantime. The department is trying to get all water meter orders sent in before the deadline expires. Questions still remain about whether or not Prescott may be in breach of contract, depending on their ability to honor the current contractual agreement. 

With long-serving General Manager Bud Hauersperger’s retirement pending, Mayor Vonderheide updated the board on the search for his replacement. Vonderheide lauded Hauersperger’s dedication and service, and applauded the high caliber of internal and external candidates, saying how the lucky the city was to have so many qualified choices. 

 For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperindiana.gov or JasperGov-Indiana on Facebook.

 - By Drew Hasselbring