George Rogers Clark Memorial Closes for 3 Days

George Rogers Clark Memorial Closes for 3 Days

Both the George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Visitor Center and Memorial will close on February 19, 2024, for President’s Day. This will be the last planned holiday closure until Fall 2024.  

The Visitor Center will reopen on February 20th, but the Memorial will remain closed for an additional two days. The reason for the additional closure is to treat the marble floors in the 1930’s rotunda. While the work is being completed both ranger staff and public will not be able to access the building. The public will still be able to access the park movie, Longknives, and photos of the murals and Clark statue are readily available at the information desk. The work will be completed in time for the 245th Commemoration for the Surrender of Fort Sackville on Friday, February 23.

For questions or further details, contact Chief Ranger Joe Herron at 812-882-1776 ext. 1204 or email at [email protected]