American Legion Elects New Indiana Commander

Mark Gullion was elected The American Legion, Department of Indiana’s state commander by delegates from the 11 districts throughout the state during the 102nd annual Indiana American Legion Convention on July 10, 2021, in Indianapolis.

Gullion, a 32-year member of Speedway American Legion Post 500, is a United States Air Force veteran with service during the Vietnam War.

He has served in leadership positions at every organizational level of The American Legion including Post Commander, District Commander and Chairman of all four permanent Commissions of the Department of Indiana. At the National level he has been a member of the National Convention Commission since 2013.

Governor Eric Holcomb appointed him to serve as a member of the Indiana Veterans’ Affairs Commission in December 2020.  

Gullion played a pivotal role in the creation of our department’s newest youth program, the Indiana American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy. Commander Gullion has pledged to honor and to preserve the memories and incidents of all wars through his Commander’s Project - expansion of the Indiana 9/11 Memorial in downtown Indianapolis.

Commander Gullion’s theme for 2021-2022 is “Aim High for Change.”