New Years Resolutions

The holidays are over.  We've started a new year.  Is one of your New Years Resolutions to loose weight?  If so I recommend it.  Deciding how to do it and stay on course is the hardest part.  Phyllis & I took Tim Flicks Fueled Strength Cooking class and learned how to  avoid carbs and eat healthier.  One of my goals besides loosing weight was to lower my cholesterol.  I'm down 23 pounds since the first of October. The holidays were a bit challenging with lots of sweets and carbs tempting me.  We did very well and didn't gain any weight over the holidays. In a few weeks I'll get my cholesterol checked again and hopefully it has gone down since I've lost weight. The goal is to establish a new way of eating healthier without all the carbs. I hope your can stick to your New Years Resolutions whatever they are.  Have a great New Year!