THE RULES OF THE ROAD: State Police Remind You About Stopped School Bus Laws


STATEWIDE -- The end of summer can mean only one is back in session! School buses will be back on the road and troopers with the Indiana State Police Bloomington Post will be there to watch for stop arm violations. High visibility enforcement will be used to encourage motorists to stop for school buses and take enforcement action for those that don’t.

The Indiana State Police would like to remind motorists of the Indiana law concerning school buses, flashing lights, and stop arms. When approaching a school bus from any direction, which is stopped and has its red lights flashing and stop arm extended, motorists are required to STOP, even on multiple lane highways where there is no barrier or median separating lanes of traffic.

Motorists who are on a highway that is divided by a barrier, such as cable barrier, concrete wall, or grassy median, are required to stop only if they are traveling in the same direction as the school bus.

Always be prepared to stop for a school bus and watch for children. Not only is disregarding a school bus stop arm dangerous, it is a serious offense.

The Indiana State Police are committed to the safety of our children and keeping Indiana’s roadways safe through enforcement and education.