Sen. Messmer: Improving Indiana's Financial Freedom

Thanks to more than a decade of fiscally conservative leadership, Indiana has been able to eliminate debt, cut taxes and invest in what Hoosiers need most.
This is the product of our commitment to passing honestly balanced budgets, and we have set up our state for success yet again with the newest two-year budget passed this session. The 2021-22 budget eliminates more than $1 billion in current taxpayer-funded state debt and pays for $1 billion in capital projects up front, avoiding future debt for taxpayers.

In a recent report published by Moody's Investor Service, Indiana was shown to be a national leader in debt management, ranking sixth-lowest in the nation in terms of tax-supported debt per capita.

Currently, only 1% of state revenues are needed to effectively pay our debt. Compare that to our neighbors Illinois and Kentucky, which are currently using more than 7% of citizens' tax dollars to pay debt.

As your state senator, I remain committed to cutting debt and investing in the needs of Hoosiers, and I look forward to seeing the benefits of conservative leadership for years to come.