GJCS Board Holds Public Hearing for Major School Renovation Bond Project
Monday night’s regular board meeting of the Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools highlighted some
upcoming school building renovations that would be implemented as a bond project for the district.
The next four years will see a lot of changes, as all three Jasper schools are slated to undergo some
major updates. An open preliminary hearing was held to “discuss and hear objections and support
regarding the proposed construction, renovation and improvements at Jasper High School, Jasper
Middle School, and Jasper Elementary School.” A second public hearing on December 23 will gauge
public response before adopting a resolution to enter into a lease agreement and issue approximately
$41 million in bonds to finance the project. Additional hearings will be held in the coming months as
the bond progresses and requires further approvals.
In the Wildcat Spotlight, the board received insight into the artificial intelligence programs being used
in classrooms. Technology Integration Specialist Matt Pryor said that “expected outcomes are to
improve student engagement and learning and enhance teacher collaboration and professional
development.” He suggested that scholastic A.I. could have the greatest impact on education of
anything he’s seen in his two decades of experience. The program was selected because of its student-
first focus and was constructed with multiple safety features, with teachers acting as the final filter.
Superintendent Dr. Lorey declared, “A.I. will be a permanent change affecting every industry without
exception,” and will transform the learning environment in a positive way.
In a building and maintenance update, JMS and JHS food service equipment bids were approved.
Jasper Lumber Company was the approved low bidder and came in well below the expected budget.
The board also approved the request for Gibraltar Design to provide design services for the roof
membrane replacement project at Jasper Middle School.
The board heard that teachers ranked effective or highly effective were awarded allocations from a
Teacher Appreciation grant. They also approved an allotment for administrators. 66% of teachers
received a highly effective rating. Grants were also awarded to the district for digital learning, digital
coaching, and professional training.
In other business, the NEOLA policy and by-law update were both approved, and Steve Lukemeyer
secured reappointment to the Redevelopment Commission. The board also approved multiple staffing
changes for the district. Jasper High School will see the departure of Head Football Coach Tony Lewis
and Boys Assistant Tennis Coach Dan Fair, and will install Evan Elrod as the new Boys Assistant Tennis
Coach. Rose Hulam will come on board the JHS Girls Basketball team.
December’s Board meeting will be held on December 23 at 1:00 p.m.
For more information on these
and other updates, visit gjcs.k12.in.us.
- By Drew Hasselbring